This Script will read the computer list from a CSV file and scan all the computer in the list to get the current size for MyDocumet and Desktop folder in the remote PC.
This script is very useful to size your VDI environment and get an idea about the expected user profile, especially when all the users are using regularly PC and storing all their content on the desktop and MyDocuments
I chose to get the information from the CSV file as I request from the network team for the most recent computers list which is connected to the network. the active directory can contain some old computer object or test pc, which will increase the percentage of failed scan. Anyway, if you prefer to get the list from AD you still can do it by using
Get-ADComputer -filter * | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path c:\temp.csv
# This Script is written by Faris Malaeb
# Feel free and contact me,
#This script will scan the network and get the users desktop and mydocument profile size
#This Script will help you in giving you an idea about the users data
# I wrote this script as I needed to know how much users have in their desktop and MyDocument folder
#These data should be moved to the servers as a part of VDI Project implementation.
# Get the computer objects
# Tested on Windows 10
#To use the Script .\Get-DesktopnDocs.ps1 -FullPathForSoruce C:\PCList.csv -ResultDestination C:\MyFinzalResult.csv
#You can use the -Verbose parameter for more information during the runtime
$Collection=Get-Content -Path $FullPathForSoruce
#The final result will be added to this array
Write-Host "Validating the destination path $ResultDestination" -ForegroundColor Green
Add-Content -Path $ResultDestination -Value "temp"
Remove-Item $ResultDestination
Write-Host "Failed to write to path $ResultDestination... Exiting " $_.exception.message
#Looping through all the computer object
foreach($SinglePC in $Collection){
#Checking if the computer is alive or dead
try{ (Test-Connection -ComputerName $SinglePC -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null)
#I need to have an object which contain ComputerName, Deskop, MyDocument and Username properties
#I will name this object as TotalResult
$totalresult =New-Object psobject
$totalresult | Add-Member -NotePropertyName ComputerName -NotePropertyValue ""
$totalresult | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Desktop -NotePropertyValue ""
$totalresult | Add-Member -NotePropertyName MyDocument -NotePropertyValue ""
$totalresult | Add-Member -NotePropertyName username -NotePropertyValue ""
$totalresult.ComputerName= $SinglePC
#Each properties of the newly created object will contain the output from a command invokation
#Getting the username of the active user from the remote machine.
#I am getting the username through reading the running process which run under the user context.
#My Domain name is Domain-local, and as the client OS only support one login, so all the process should have the current active user
#I used the $env:USERDOMAIN System Variable to get the domain name, lets assume that my domain is named as Domain-Local
#After getting the list of processes running under the username Domain-local\..., I select the first Item in the array and removing the domain name
#This will only return the username, and then store the result in the $TotalResult.Username Properties
((Get-Process -IncludeUserName |where {$_.username -like "$env:USERDOMAIN*"})[0]).username.substring(([int]$env:USERDOMAIN.Length+1))
$totalresult.username=invoke-command -ComputerName $SinglePC -ScriptBlock $ScriptToExecute
#The command which will be invoked on the remote computer
$ScriptToExecute= {
$UserNViaProcess =$args[0] #read the argument that will be passed to the script block through the invoke-command -ArgumentList property
#The Lines below will get the Desktop items which have the extension below.
#the Measure-Object will calculate the value a group based on numeric property, and in our case the value I want to measure is the Length
#After the calculation I devide the value by 1GB to get the result in GB
((Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\users\$UserNViaProcess\Desktop" -Recurse -Include @("*.docx","*.xlsx","*.pptx","*.txt","*.mmp","*.jpg","*.png","*.pdf","*.vsdx")|Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum /1GB)
#Executing the remote command invoke and passing the arguament list, which is the username
$totalresult.Desktop=invoke-command -ComputerName $SinglePC -ScriptBlock $ScriptToExecute -ArgumentList $totalresult.username
$UserNViaProcess =$args[0]
((Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\users\$UserNViaProcess\Documents" -Recurse -Include @("*.docx","*.xlsx","*.pptx","*.txt","*.mmp","*.jpg","*.png","*.pdf","*.vsdx") |Measure-Object -Sum Length).Sum /1GB)
$totalresult.MyDocument=invoke-command -ComputerName $SinglePC -ScriptBlock $ScriptToExecute -ArgumentList $totalresult.username
#Display the result in the console
#Adding the Result to the array
Catch {
Write-Host "I failed on " $SinglePC " Error is " $_.exception.message
$FullResult | Export-Csv $ResultDestination -NoTypeInformation
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