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I dont care about powered off VM $VMsInHost = Get-VMHost $FromVMHostName -ErrorAction Stop | Get-VM | where{ $_.PowerState -like "*On" } Write-Host "Total Number of VM to move is:"$VMsInHost.Count -ForegroundColor Yellow Foreach ($SingleVM in $VMsInHost){ #Creating an Object to store the progress report $VMnewLocation=new-object PSObject $VMnewLocation | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "VM Name" -NotePropertyValue $SingleVM.Name $VMnewLocation | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Old Host" -NotePropertyValue $SingleVM.VMHost Write-host "Parsing VM " $SingleVM.Name -ForegroundColor Yellow #Call the function to get a list of possible servers to move the VM to. $Migrate=Get-MostFreeServer -NeededMemorySizeinGB $SingleVM.MemoryGB #PS_FAIL_No_Resource is a custom message will return from the function incase there is no available server to host the VM Migration. if ($Migrate -notlike "PS_FAIL_No_Resource"){ Write-Host "Moving "$SingleVM "to "$Migrate ",Please wait a few seconds" -ForegroundColor Yellow #Move the VM Move-VM -VM $SingleVM -Destination $Migrate -ErrorAction Stop sleep -Seconds 1 $VMnewLocation | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "New Host" -NotePropertyValue ((get-vm $SingleVM).vmhost.Name) Write-Host $SingleVM "is now in the following host" $VMnewLocation.'New Host' -ForegroundColor Yellow $Finalresult+=$VMnewLocation } Else { #No available server, the following message will be displayed. Write-Host "It seems there is no more servers to move the load, you can change the value of the MaxMemAllowed to allow more load... Nothing more to do." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "I cannot move "$SingleVM Write-Host "final report is:" $Finalresult $ErrorFlag=$true return } } } Catch [exception]{ # Any unexpected error will return here and stop the script execution. Write-Host $_.Exception.message -ForegroundColor Red $ErrorFlag=$true break } Finally{ #Checking the server is any more VM on it, if there is no VM, then place the server in maintenance Mode #Else, there should be an error indicating what is going on. if ($ErrorFlag -notlike $true){ if ((Get-VM | where{ ($_.host -like $FromVMHostName) -and ($_.PowerState -like "*on")}).count -eq 0) { Write-Host "All Done, will place the server in maintenance mode" -ForegroundColor Yellow Set-VMHost $FromVMHostName -State Maintenance Get-VMHost $FromVMHostName $Finalresult | ft } if ((Get-VM | where{ ($_.host -like $FromVMHostName) -and ($_.PowerState -like "*on")}).count -gt 0) { Write-Host "It seems that VM Migration not completed. maybe some resource issue" $Finalresult | ft } } } |
Stream # | Description | Introduced in |
1 | Success Stream | PowerShell 2.0 |
2 | Error Stream | PowerShell 2.0 |
3 | Warning Stream | PowerShell 3.0 |
4 | Verbose Stream | PowerShell 3.0 |
5 | Debug Stream | PowerShell 3.0 |
6 | Information Stream | PowerShell 5.0 |
* | All Streams | PowerShell 3.0 |
Copy-Item -Path C:\MySource -Destination D:\MyDestination -Recurse 2> D:\MyDestination\CopyLog.txt